

General Information
Emeralds are considered to be more precious than diamonds, they are more rare as the mineral used to form emeralds is quite rare. They are the premier gems in the beryl family. For more than 4,000 years, emeralds have been among the most valuable of all jewels.



In fact, emerald history really does begin in Egypt, where there actually was a “Cleopatra’s Mine”, near the Aswan Dam before 2000 B.C. and continued until about 1200 A.D. Egypt supplied the known world with emeralds throughout the Biblical period and through the middle Ages.

Biggest Ever Found

The largest uncut emerald believed to have been found was in Carnaiba, Brazil in 1974. It was an incredible 86,136-carat natural beryl crystal. The stone was eventually valued at $1,120,080.